Scientific journal
Modern high technologies
ISSN 1812-7320
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,940

Scientific magazine «Modern high technologies»

The journal "MODERN HIGH TECHNOLOGIES" was registered at RF Ministry of press, television, broadcasting and mass communication media.
Certificate of registration - PI №77-15597

Published since 2003.

All publications are reviewed. Access to the journal free of charge.

The journal publishes scientific articles on the following specialties:

Technical science

  • 05.02.00 Mechanical engineering and engineering science
  • 05.13.00 Informatics, computer technology and management
  • 05.17.00 Chemical technology
  • 05.23.00 Construction and architecture

Pedagogical sciences

  • 13.00.08 Theory and technique of professional education

The journal is represented at the SCIENTIFIC ELECTRONIC LIBRARY (SEL) - main executor of creating Russian index of scientific quotation (RISQ) project and has an impact-factor of Russian index of scientific quotation (IF RISQ).

Impact-factor RISQ (five-year) = 0,843 (according to 23.06.2015)

Impact-factor RISQ (two-year) = 1,030 (according to 23.06.2015)

H-index (decennial) = 16 (according to RISQ for 26.03.2015)

The Journal is included in the Patent Journal and Database VINITI

The journal is registered in Centre International de l'ISSN. ISSN 1812-7320


Head editor of the journal: Ledvanov Mihail Yurevich Doctor of medical science, professor

Responsible editorial secretary: Shnurovozova Tatyiana Vladimirovna

Editorial board

Name Degree Work Post

Bosheniatov Boris Vladimirovich

Doctor of technical science, professor

Institute of applied mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

senior research associate

Bizenkova Maria Nicolaevna

candidate of medical science

PH "The Academy of Natural History"

responsible secretary of edition

Gilev Anatoliy Vladimirovich

Doctor of technical science, professor

The Siberian Federal University

head of the department "Mountain cars and complexes"

Gotc Alexander Nicolaevich

Doctor of technical science, professor

Vladimir state universityof Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolay Grigoryevich Stoletovykh


professor of "Heat Engines and Power Stations" department

Gryzlov Vladimir Sergeevich

Doctor of technical science, professor

Cherepovets state university

head of the department of construction

Zaharchenko Vladimir Dmitrievich

Doctor of technical science, professor

Volgograd state university

professor of department of Radiophysics

Lubentcov Valeriy Fedorovich

Doctor of technical science, professor

North Caucasian state technical university, Nevinnomyssk institute of technology

deputy director for scientific work

Madera Alexander Georgievich

Doctor of technical science, professor

Research institute of system researches of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Head of department of "Mathematical modeling of difficult systems"

Mikerova Galina Zhorshovna

Doctor of pedagogic science, professor

Kuban state university

head of the department of pedagogics and technique of primary education

Pachurin Herman Vasilyevich

Doctor of technical science, professor

The Nizhny Novgorod state technical university of R. E. Alekseev

head of the department "Production safety and ecology"

Pen Robert Zusyevich

Doctor of technical science, professor

Siberian state technical university

professor of chair of cellulose, paper and chemical fibers

Bichurin Mirza Imamovich

Doctor of physical-mathematical science, professor


Novgorod state university

head of the department

Guysin Ilgizar Timergalievich

Doctor of pedagogic science, professor

Kazan federal university

head of office of geographical and ecological education, "Theories and Techniques of Geographical and Ecological Education" chair

Gladilina Irina Petrovna

Doctor of pedagogic science, professor

Government Moscow city university

deputy director

Elagina Vera Sergeevna

Doctor of pedagogic science, professor

Chelyabinsk state pedagogical university

professor of department of pedagogics

Zavyalov Alexander Ivanovich

Doctor of pedagogic science, professor

Institute of combat sports of I. Yarygin, Krasnoyarsk state pedagogical university of V.P. Astafyev


Lukyanova Margarita Ivanovna

Doctor of pedagogic science, professor

Ulyanovsk institute of professional development and retraining of educators

head of the department of pedagogics and psychology

Romantcov Mihail Grigorevich

Doctor of medical science, Candidate of pedagogic science, professor

Northwest state medical university of Mechnikov

professor of department of pediatrics and children's cardiology

Stukova Natalia Yurievna

Candidate of medical science, professor

PH "The Academy of Natural History"

Chief scientific secretary

Tutolmin Alexander Victorovich

Doctor of pedagogic science, professor

The Glazov state pedagogic institute  of V. G. Korolenko

professor of department of pediatrics and children's cardiology

Contact information:

Responsible editorial secretary – Bizenkova Maria Nicolaevna - +7 (499) 705-72-30

E-mail: [email protected]

Address for correspondence - 105037, Moscow, PO box 47, Academy of natural history, Editorial Board «MODERN HIGH TECHNOLOGIES»

Founder: МОО «Academy of Natural Histroy»

Publishing and Editorial: Editorial House «Academy of Natural Histroy»