Научный журнал
Современные наукоемкие технологии
ISSN 1812-7320
"Перечень" ВАК
ИФ РИНЦ = 0,940


Садкеева Н.А. 1
1 Комсомольский-на-Амуре государственный технический университет

Each country’s or nation’s system of morality presents somewhat universal moral views, which come to light from the depths of history and nation’s origin. These moral views did not appear on their own at once; actually, they evolved slowly and gradually from taboos and customs determined by the community arrangement of social life. Those first initial forms of morality have become the foundation for the people’s wisdom and to date the most common of them include respect for elders, patriotism, diligence, collectivism or individualism and family stability.

Let’s analyze, for example, family stability. Family creation is an obligatory part in anyone’s life. In the people’s consciousness, a family exists to give birth to the children, and their presence is considered the moral merit of the spouses. The more children you have, the better. As the Bashkir proverb runs: «To have one child is much worse than to be in the midst of a battle».

During the Patriarchate there was no equality of men and women, that’s why sexual morality appeared. It manifested itself in the fact that male amours were not regarded sinful if he returned to his family, while any female infidelity was unconditionally condemned.

Romantic idea of love priority over repellent marriage is not typical for the traditional outlook. A woman’s honor goes hand in hand with her marital loyalty; she can’t sacrifice it even to save her husband from death. With an utmost severity folklore treats a bride’s chastity. If they get to know about a girl’s ‘dishonesty’ before marriage, the retribution will be harsh.

However, in those fragments of folklore where matriarchal traces remain, women are equal to men. In epos we can find examples of fearless female warriors and wise advisers. They fight no worse than men and even conquer and rule men’s world or give advice to the prince/king so that he was able to manage some difficult riddle or task in order to be together with his wife-advisor.

All in all, family is an integral moral value, a moral standard for everybody. Created family is considered a moral achievement by itself, without which happiness is impossible. Not without reason, the wedding is the most common finale of many fairy tales and movies, after which all the trouble must end.

Библиографическая ссылка

Садкеева Н.А. НАЦИОНАЛЬНЫЕ ОСОБЕННОСТИ ОБРАЗА ГЕРОЯ // Современные наукоемкие технологии. – 2013. – № 7-1. – С. 92-92;
URL: https://top-technologies.ru/ru/article/view?id=31915 (дата обращения: 16.02.2025).

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